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My Little Villagers

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This is a great craft to do with children for Cinco de Mayo and to celebrate Mexican heritage. Materials: Red Plastic Cup Red Paper Plate White Green Pompom Scissors Glue White String Tape Directions: Put glue on the rim of the cup. Turn the cup upside down and place it in the center of the plate.  Push hard to secure it in place. Cut out small circles from the white...

Remember in grade school when the mean girls would pick on other girls? I found out there is a girl like that in my daughter’s Kindergarten class who has been picking on her all year long. Nobody ever wants their child to be bullied, but luckily when children are this age, it is fairly easy to correct the situation by having a parent-teacher conference. Well,...

Every child needs a Calm Down Jar.  I used it multiple times for children with different temperaments at my daycare and it worked every single time....

I did this activity with three children at my daycare on St. Patrick’s Day.  They sure got a kick out of finding the leprechaun’s footprints!  Since the children’s ages ranged from 2 to 3.5 years old, the Gold Coin Questions I asked varied in difficulty.  It was so much fun to watch their little eyes light up with excitement as they received their gold coins...

I did this activity with three children at my daycare on St. Patrick’s Day.  Since there were three of them, they each got to be in charge of two colors of the rainbow, which they were very excited about.  Not only was this a fantastic activity for color naming and recognizing, it was great practice for listening well.  When the children heard their color being revealed...

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