Many years before my daughter with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) was diagnosed, I quit my job at a university to become a devoted stay at home mom. My baby girl was just six months old at the time. I traded my pantsuits for yoga pants, my morning Starbucks cappuccino for homemade coffee – that I would end up reheating several times, and talking to my coworkers about politics for singing “Baby Beluga” to my one and only audience – my...

Nov 10 2016
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My seven year old child has ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and if you think ADHD is simply not being able to focus or stay still, you are wrong.  So very, very wrong.  Children with ADHD can be impulsive, anxious, easily frustrated, and highly sensitive.  They can be socially awkward, have low self esteem, and be very defiant.  The list goes on and on and ADHD affects children differently.  While one child with ADHD may have a difficult time making and...

It’s no secret that parenting is hard work. When you have a child with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), parenting can be much more difficult and complicated.  It’s been almost two years since we found out my seven year old has ADHD.  Every day is a rollercoaster for us filled with ups and downs.  When my child wakes up in the morning, I never know if she will be excited to go to school and see her best friend or have an epic meltdown and cry that...

Nov 03 2016
Comments Off on Sometimes I Drive My Mom Crazy, But I Know She’s Crazy About Me

“I have ADHD. That’s what they call some kids who are pretty smart – and sometimes really smart – but have trouble paying attention and sometimes act wild and crazy.” That’s what it says on the first page of the book and as a mother of a seven year old child with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), I can attest that this statement is 100% accurate and sums up children with ADHD in a nutshell. Sometimes I Drive My Mom Crazy, But...

This is a guest post written by Rachael Gallows. Rachael is the epic educator behind The Experienced Graduate. She provides free resources for parents of teens that are struggling in school. Rachael believes every teen has the capability to earn academic success on their own. You can connect with Rachael through Facebook or Twitter. For many parents, academic struggles are an everyday part of life for their children with ADHD. Regular classroom learning becomes difficult, so...

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