Every child needs a Calm Down Jar. I used it multiple times for children with different temperaments at my daycare and it worked every single time. They loved shaking it and then watching all of the glitter fall slowly to the bottom. It truly calms children down. They are called Calm Down Jars, because most people use glass jars for them, but with young children, it’s best to use a plastic baby bottle in my opinion. Materials: Plastic Baby Bottle 1 Cup of...
Instead of putting your child in “Time Out,” try creating a Calm Down Space for them. My daughter has ADHD and as many of you parents of special needs children know, our children have a lot of feelings, which can result in a lot of emotional meltdowns. Even if your child doesn’t have special needs, having a calming and comfortable place for them to go to when they are feeling overwhelmed or frustrated is a very good idea. Where should the Calm Down Space be? Decide with your child where their Calm Down Space will...
Stop Shaming Parents for the Way They Discipline Their ADHDer After completing her spelling and math homework, my daughter asked me if she could play on her iPad. I told her she could and then she said, “Wait! What about reading?” We had both forgotten about her reading homework, which is basically her reading a fourth grade level book of her choice for 30 minutes. I replied, “Oh yeah! First, you need to read.” Cue horrendous meltdown. My daughter began...
Topics cover a variety of ways to manage ADHD symptoms, as well as coexisting conditions/issues. Anxiety Grounding Kids For Having Anxiety (MLV) How To Help A Child Having An Anxiety Attack (Free Download from MLV) How To Make A Calm Down Jar (MLV) How To Make A Calm Down Space For Kids (MLV) If You’re [Angry, Sad, or Scared] And You Know It – Inside...
First thing’s first. The title is very misleading, but it got you to click on the link, didn’t it? 🙂 All parents know what grounding is. It’s what they do with their children who misbehave. Currently, my three-year-old is grounded from the iPad for hitting her sister. However, parents of children with anxiety may practice a different type of grounding. Allow me to give you a little bit of background first. These days, many adults have had some experience...