In honor of Valentine’s Day, I decided to do my part to spread some ADHD love by asking parents of children with ADHD what they loved about them. I posted my question on My Little Villager’s Facebook page and within minutes, parents began gushing about their amazing children and how proud they are to be their parents. (I posted some of the parents’ responses below, but there were many, many more. To read all of the parents’ wonderful words spoken about their children, please click here.
Right away, I noticed many similar traits in these ADHDmazing children:
- Affectionate
- Caring
- Compassionate
- Creative
- Determined
- Enthusiastic
- Energetic
- Fearless
- Funny
- Happy
- Innovative
- Kind
- Loving
- Passionate
- Protective
- Silly
- Smart
- Spirited
- Sweet
- Talented
Parents and caregivers of children with ADHD know how difficult and frustrating it can be to raise them. Every day, we are asking ADHD support groups for advice, researching ways to help our child, and worrying endlessly about our child’s future and if we are making the right decisions. Life is hectic and overwhelming for us and unfortunately, that is why you will hardly ever hear a parent or caregiver bragging about their child with ADHD, which is an absolute shame. These children are extraordinary, gifted, and absolutely amazing individuals who should and need to be raved about! Let’s celebrate their uniqueness, their spiritedness, their enthusiasm! This Valentine’s Day and every day, let’s tell the world why we love our children so much and why the world should love them too! Without further ado, here is what parents had to say when asked what they love about their children with ADHD:
“Their creativity. Their laughs. The way my oldest son helps his brother with things. They are always worried about everyone. My oldest has a heart of gold. Everyone loves him. Once they make friends, they are friends for life. I love their smiles. They have the same dimples.” – Heather
“I’m happy that my son is an enthusiastic, cheerful, energetic little boy that never stops laughing and finds fun in everything we do.” – Heather
“I love my child’s honesty and compassion. He knows right from wrong and holds me accountable. He loves everything around him and looks for the good in everything. He is also very good at science, math and art. Especially origami. He makes me special gifts all the time.” – Amy
“Here’s my guy ♡ I love his individuality! He likes what he likes not necessarily what others like. He is not a follower! He is SO smart, photographic memory, he amazes me every day. So grateful I get to be his mommy” – Kirsten
“Most loving and caring individual I know is my son!” – Christine
“Tanner 16 : She is bubbly and gorgeous and found out since she is at a new school very very smart and popular who knew
Carrington 15 : My guy is very loving and doesn’t mind giving me hugs and kisses in front of his friends
MayMay 4: The biggest personality she is totally hilarious and gives the best doesn’t matter kisses ever” – Sabrina
“I love my 8 year old ADHDer’s caring and kind nature. He is very protective of each of our family members and his friends.
” – Lisa
“Besides his smile… I love his sense of humor. He does the silliest things to make someone laugh.” – Stefany
“I love that he is perfectly imperfect!” – Jennifer
“I love my daughter’s creativity and how affectionate she is.” – Marisol
“His ingenuity and ability to think outside of the box. His creativity. His hilarious wit. His empathy for others. The list is endless…” – Vicki
“Khamrons beautiful heart and awesome imagination
?great sense of humor and gorgeous laugh
” – Larissa
“I love how hilarious he is!He makes me
laugh every day “ – Leanne
“His spirit! Always has a smile on his face and even when he gets mad he still laughs right after
” – Wendy
❤️ This beautiful sweet funny girl. I love her so much, I love
her hugs best of all
” – Kris
Thank you very much to everyone who participated! Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!
What do you love about your child with ADHD? Share in the comments below!
Related Article: What I Love About My Child With ADHD
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